Mobile academic intellectuals and politics: space and time, affect and effect

Date: Thursday, 18 January 2018 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Room 642, UCL Institute of Education
  • Terri Kim, University of East London


This seminar introduces ways to think about mobile academic intellectuals in the political contexts of space, time and affect and how they form a specific academic capitalism, which Dr Kim defines as a pariah academic capitalism.

Dr Kim considers transnational academic mobility as a spatial relationship between knowledge and identity. She argues that mobile academic intellectuals are pariahs carrying possibilities for creative destruction, innovation: they are permanent strangers often creating new knowledge.

Barriers of ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion and culture and the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion may alter as they move. In a phenomenological framework, Dr Kim reviews some distinctive examples of transnational mobile academic intellectuals across space and time and critiques the contemporary university contexts.

She will elaborate specific terms and conditions of ‘pariah academic capitalism’ (Kim, forthcoming) and discuss both political and epistemic implications, which can be significant given the disturbing flashes of ethnic chauvinism and divisive nationalism in the politics of the Brexit and Trump periods.

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