CGHE Webinar 256

Geopolitical Tensions and their Implications for Australia-China Relations in HE

Date: Tuesday, 7 December 2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom webinar
  • Chengxin Pan, Deakin University & University of Technology Sydney
  • Anthony Welch, University of Sydney
  • CHAIR: Xin Xu, University of Oxford

Event Materials

This event is now archived and we are pleased to provide the following event media and assets, along with the original event overview.

In recent years, geopolitical tensions between China and western countries have grown markedly. These tensions have been exasperated by Covid-19 and the politically charged claims about its origins and China’s alleged role in allowing it to spread globally. The economic rise of China, shifts in its approach to international relations and the politics surrounding the Belt and Road Initiatives have also contributed to rising levels of anxiety globally. With respect to higher education policy, these geopolitical tensions have raised a range of complex issues relating both to China’s internationalisation agenda and also to the turbulence they have the potential to cause to various systems of higher education, such as Australia, that have become heavily reliant on international students from China, as well as to the possibilities of academic exchange and research collaboration. This webinar will consider some of these issues. As an IR scholar, Associate Professor Chengxin Pan will describe the emerging dynamics of Australia-China relations. Professor Ly Tran will discuss the implications for shifting geopolitical space for student recruitment from China, while Professor Tony Welch will examine the complexities of research collaboration between Chinese and Australian researchers.

CGHE webinars are fully open to participants. They are interactive, enabling attendees to speak directly in the webinar, ask questions of speakers when called in by the chair and see all other participants. At any time you can communicate directly with others, either all together or on a one-to-one basis, through the webinar Chat.

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