Our People

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Gill Wyness is a Professor in Economics at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 2.2, ‘HE choices and post-HE destinations to age 25: parental background and effects of higher education funding reform in the UK’.

University of Hong Kong

Lili Yang is an assistant professor at Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. Previously, she was a PhD researcher and then a postdoctoral researcher at CGHE. Her research interests include higher education, cross-cultural comparison of higher education, and higher education policy. Her forthcoming book is titled ‘Higher Education, State and Society: Comparing the Chinese and Anglo-American Approaches’ (Bloomsbury).

Leiden University (Netherlands)

Alfredo Yegros is a researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands and was a CGHE Research Associate on the former Project 1.3, ‘Higher education’s engagement with industry: metrics and indicators of boundary spanning UK academics’.

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Giulio Marini is a Lecturer at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 3.2, ‘The future higher education workforce in locally and globally engaged HEIs’.

Rikkyo University

Thomas Brotherhood is an Assistant Professor at Rikkyo University in Tokyo and completed a CGHE DPhil in 2020.

L.G. Associates

Lesley is Director of L.G. Associates, Ex Director of The Work Foundation.

Virginia Tech (US)

Jennifer Case is Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech in the USA. Prior to her appointment in this post she was a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town, where she retains an honorary appointment.

Lancaster University

Kayleigh Rosewell is a Senior Research Associate on CGHE Project 1, ‘Graduate Experiences of Employability and Knowledge (GEEK) Project’.

Australian National University

Bruce Chapman is Professor of Economics at the Australian National University and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 2.5, ‘Issues in the economics of higher education financing’.

Universities UK

Chris leads on the Whakamana Pae Tata, Strategic Plan to 2030 implementation, University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand. A tertiary education specialist, he was formerly Director of Policy at Universities UK.

University of Johannesburg

Thandi Lewin is a CGHE Deputy Director and an Associate Professor at the Ali Mazrui Centre for Higher Education Studies, in the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg. She has come into academia relatively late, following a career as a civil servant.

University of Oxford

David Mills is Director of the Centre for Global Higher Education. His current research interests include the political economy of academic research and publishing in Africa. His most recent book is ‘Who Counts: Ghanaian Academic Publishing and Global Science’, co-written with colleagues from the University of Ghana and Oxford.

Our People

We bring together researchers and research students from six partner universities - Oxford, Johannesburg, Hang Seng, Birmingham, UCL and Lancaster - and also support the broader global higher education research community.