Our People

University of Bath

Rajani Naidoo is Professor in Higher Education Management at the University of Bath and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 1.6, ‘Pathways to personal and public good: understanding access to, student experiences of, and outcomes from South African undergraduate higher education’.

University of Sheffield

Vassiliki Papatsiba is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at the University of Sheffield and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 3.5, ‘Brexit, trade, migration and higher education’.

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and Birkbeck

Claire Callender is Professor of Higher Education Studies at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. She is a Deputy Director of CGHE. Claire led on CGHE Project 5, ‘Student loan debt and graduate decision-making’ which explored the impact of income-contingent student loan debt on English graduates’ lives using both quantitative and qualitative methods. It showed how loan debt can have negative effects on graduates’ lives.

International Association of Universities

Eva is former Secretary-General of the International Association of Universities (IAU).

University of Oxford

Michael Shattock is a Visiting Professor at UCL Institute of Education and an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education at Oxford. He was formerly Registrar of the University of Warwick. He holds Honorary Degrees from Aberdeen, Leicester, Reading and Warwick Universities and from the University of Education, Ghana and is an OBE. He led the Governance group within CGHE which has been responsible for the following books published by Bloomsbury: The Governance of British Higher Education—The impact of governmental, financial and market pressures (2019), The Governance of European Higher Education—Convergence or Divergence? (2023), and Universities and Regions—The impact of locality and region on university governance and strategies (2023).

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Nikki Shure is a Lecturer in Economics at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 2.2, ‘HE choices and post-HE destinations to age 25: parental background and effects of higher education funding reform in the UK’.

Carlo Cattaneo University/University of Oxford

Maria Rucsandra Stan is a PhD candidate at the Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC in Castellanza, Italy and is currently a visiting doctoral researcher on CGHE Project 3, ‘Research on Research: the research function and mission of higher education’ under the supervision of Professor Alis Oancea. Rucsandra is also part of a PRIN project (Carlo Cattaneo University local unit), on “The effects of evaluation on academic research: knowledge production and methodological issues’”. Her research focuses on the effects of the evaluation system on knowledge production and researchers in academia and research institutions.

Hunan University, China

Lin Tian is a Research Associate on CGHE Project 8, ‘Local and global public good of higher education: 10 nation study’.

Leiden University (Netherlands)

Robert Tijssen is Professor Emeritus of Science and Innovation Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands and was a CGHE Co-Investigator on the former Project 1.3, ‘Higher education’s engagement with industry: metrics and indicators of boundary spanning UK academics’.

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Dr Celia Whitchurch is Honorary Associate Professor at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education. Her research interests focus on academic and professional roles, identities and careers, and on third space environments in higher education.

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Becky is Chief Executive Officer of the Education Endowment Foundation

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society

Vincent Carpentier is a Reader in History of Education at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. He was responsible for CGHE Project 7, ‘A historical lens on higher education staffing: UK and France’. Key outcomes from this project included papers such as Three Stories of Institutional Differentiation: Resource, Mission and Social Inequalities in Higher Education (Policy Reviews in Higher Education 2021) and Academic Workforce in France and the UK in Historical Perspectives (Comparative Education 2023- with Emmanuelle Picard), recently reported in the Conversation (2023) . He was also a Co-Investigator on Project 8, ‘Local and global public good of higher education: 10 nation study’ examining the French context presented in the paper Public Good in French Universities: Principles and practices of the “Republican” Model of Higher education (Compare 2022- with Aline Courtois).

Our People

We bring together researchers and research students from six partner universities - Oxford, Johannesburg, Hang Seng, Birmingham, UCL and Lancaster - and also support the broader global higher education research community.