CGHE Webinar 159

Beds, Bricks and Higher Education: The past, present and future of student accommodation in England

Date: Tuesday, 20 October 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom webinar
  • Professor Alexi Marmot, UCL
  • Dr Zachery D. Spire, UCL

Event Materials

This event is now archived and we are pleased to provide the following event media and assets, along with the original event overview.

Student accommodation is a key issue for students, institutions, towns and cities. Far from set in stone, the forms, functions and stated purpose of student accommodation in England have emerged and complexified with history. From medieval times into the present, institutions, students, policymakers, private enterprises, public-private partnerships and housing authorities have grappled with the issue of student accommodation. This ongoing debate continues to reflect on shifts in policy, practice, planning, social and personal attitudes and beliefs towards student accommodation and higher education in England.

This webinar revisit student accommodation in England. We will reflect on some of the key lenses and proposals from extant literature and research on student accommodation. Focusing on theoretical and operational approaches to student accommodation, we will explore the economic, social and educational influence of student accommodation for students, institutions and the wider public. We will examine some of the sharp changes in policy, planning and practice related to student accommodation. We will also reflect on some key drivers including student numbers, costs and pricing of student accommodation, the importance of staff and student relations to student experience and engagement. The influence of student accommodation for students’ access, participation, recruitment, retention and cost of attendance in English higher education will also be highlighted.

While our focus is on England, education and the built environment, we understand student accommodation is a critical concern for students, institutions, scholars, policymakers, public and private enterprises, towns and cities across the world. We hope this is the start of a rich and ongoing discussion related to the forms, functions and stated purpose of student accommodation now and into the future.

Event Materials

This event is now archived and we are pleased to provide the following event media and assets, along with the original event overview.

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