Working Paper 99
LATAM Quality Assurance and Internationalisation: Affordances of a Multidimensional Matrix of (Self) Assessment of Internationalisation of Higher Education
Published August 2023

Given the consensus among academics and policy-makers about the potential of internationalisation of higher education and quality assurance systems to contribute to the modernisation of higher education, on the one hand, and the lack of studies linking quality assurance systems and internationalisation of higher education in Latin America on the other, this study aims to contribute to this gap by presenting a proposal for a matrix of (self) assessment of the internationalisation process of higher education institutions in Latin America. The matrix presented here was produced by Amorim (2020) for the Brazilian context comprising 86 indicators distributed in the three pillars of the university, namely, in the Dimensions of – Teaching, Research and Outreach – analyzed in relation to the Categories – Language Policy, Academic Mobility and Internationalisation at Home suggesting three possibilities for institutional Classification – Internationalised, Engaged and Emerging. An adapted version of Amorim’s (2020) matrix is presented in this working paper, comprising 93 indicators that include intra-region and extra-region dimensions/collaborations. The results of the analysis of the matrix suggest that it represents a relevant contribution in the form of a unified instrument for the (self) assessment and management of internationalisation of higher education institutions in the region.

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